Wednesday, April 22, 2020

It’s Time to Savor the Little Things: The Power of Being Present

It’s officially a week until classes end for the Spring 2020 semester. As a senior, it’s hard to imagine that my time at TCU is coming to an abrupt end. As I’m sitting here writing this blog post, I’m also thinking about all the other assignments that are due within the next few days. I find myself thinking, “Oh thank God it’s ending soon because I can’t do this anymore.” However, when I think back and reflect, I can’t hold this mindset because I know that once finals end and once I receive my diploma, it’s all over. I need to be present in the moments I have left instead of always thinking about the past and the future. In a way, I keep thinking that the end can’t be real because of the times we’re currently living in. This gives me a sense of denial in a way because I’m not physically on campus. But, I know that I won’t get the chance to sit in another classroom at TCU as a student, and that’s something I’m truly going to miss. After graduation, it will probably be awhile before all my friends and I are in the same place again. I need to hold on to the memories that I do have and not worry so much about the future. It’s so hard for me NOT to worry about what’s in store for me after COVID-19 starts to wind down, but I think it’s important to not reflect on the things that we’re missing out on or don’t get the opportunity to experience. Instead, it’s important to think about what I'm gaining. For me, I’ve gained a newfound appreciation for joy in simplicity and the little things, such as the way my cat smells (I know that makes me sound weird but don’t judge), the way the breeze feels when I run outside, and the laughs my family and I get to share while watching TV. I know things will change when we get back to the real world, and I know everything will start to hit me all at once…but I’ll cross that bridge when it comes. Quarantine is a challenge, that’s for sure, and it will change us. But, if it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you…think about that.

“Do not ruin today with mourning tomorrow.”

1 comment:

  1. I think it is definitely important to stay positive. I also have been getting fairly frustrated with the whole situation, and I'm only a junior. I think we could all use a positive attitude in today's world.


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