Thursday, March 19, 2020

There’s Nothing I Can Do…And I Feel Helpless: COVID-19 Strikes Again

This sucks. My senior year is basically over. And it’s all thanks to COVID-19, also known as Coronavirus. I never imagined that it would end this way. However, in spite of all of this, I feel as though I’m blessed. I was on a cruise a week ago, and the government could have decided to quarantine all of us to our staterooms for who knows how long. I am safe and healthy. That’s all that should matter. But, I can’t help but think about all of the goodbyes and celebrations that have been taken from me because of this. It’s completely and utterly devastating. I’ve always been an optimist, looking and thinking on the bright side of things no matter the situation. I’m not going to pretend that this doesn’t suck. But, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. All of the friendships that were made during these past four years will continue to blossom and don’t end here. These people aren’t going anywhere. I need to keep reminding myself that TCU doesn’t end when our time here does. Even though we’re not physically on campus, we still have each other, and we’re still connected to one another. As a graduating senior, it’s hard to cope with the fact that my last two months on campus have been cut short. It’s not what any of us wanted. But, I’m still holding out some hope for a postponed graduation, for the hope that the class of 2020 can be together one last time to celebrate all of our accomplishments over the last four years. After receiving the email this morning that online classes have been extended for the rest of the semester, all of the pent up frustrations and sadness came out all at once—I sobbed for fifteen minutes straight while my mom cried with me and held me in her arms. I know that things will get better and that things have a way of working themselves out, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t hurt. My family is safe and healthy and that’s all that matters. We just have to take things one step at a time…day by day. It’s probably not going to get better in a month, but we just have to remain patient and keep praying for the world. It will get better. Things will change. It just takes time. I wish more than anything that we could go back because we never got to say our proper goodbyes. But, maybe we don’t have to. We will always have this amazing place, and we will always have each other. We don’t have to let go, at least not yet.

Pictured below is me with my sweet kitty, Nutmeg. I got her my freshman year of high school, and she’s been my sidekick for the past 8ish years. Since being back home, she hasn’t left my side. It’s things like this that I can’t take for granted. Coronavirus may have screwed everything up, but we still have our families. We still have our friends. We still have our sidekicks.


  1. Wonderful selfie with Nutmeg, which is also a great cat name. We are helpless about a lot of things, as we can't change what's happened due to Covid-19. But we are not helpless in reaching out to each other and to always remind each other that community is not a physical presence as much as it is an emotional presence. We all need to keep opening ourselves up to each other. I am sorry that you and other seniors will miss out on a lot of things that usually take place during the spring semester, but TCU will do everything it can, as all faculty are doing as much as they can, to replace and enhance your senior-semester experiences.

  2. I too am disappointed that senior year has been cut short due to COVID-19. It is difficult to remain positive in times of hardship. All of the memories and experiences did not end the way that we initially intended. I think the one thing that humans struggle with in general is being in control. It is difficult to cope with situations when you feel helpless and nothing is in your control. It is important as seniors to know that this might be the end of a chapter at TCU, but it definitely is not the end of our TCU story. TCU has been one of the greatest blessings in my life and I'm sure in yours as well. We have to remain grateful for the times and memories we spent here. I enjoyed the blog!


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